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The voice of California school business | November 2024 

In this issue: Bob Reeves | Volunteer Hub | CASBO Con 25 | Advocacy Webinars | VP Applications | Board Recap | Women In Leadership | Hot Jobs | AI Micro-Cert | Section Photos

Dear Member,

Across California, our recent Section education events brought together nearly 1,000 school business professionals eager to grow, learn, and share best practices. None of this would be possible without the dedication and passion of our volunteer leaders, who gave their time and expertise to make each event impactful in addition to their full-time roles. To each of you—thank you for your invaluable contributions to our community and for the commitment you show to advancing school business every day.

When we build our skills and competencies, we build trust in education itself—one of the most powerful investments we can make.

As experts in our field, we become trusted resources in shaping policies at the state level, helping to ensure that decisions reflect the real needs of our schools.

CASBO has tremendous momentum and energy right now, and we thank you for being the driving force behind it.

Warm regards,
Tatia Davenport, CASBO CEO

CASBO CEO Tatia Davenport photo
CASBO Bob Reeves Scholarship graphic


Get $1,000 to grow your school business career

Applications for CASBO's Bob Reeves Scholarship open through Thurs., Oct. 31, 2024.


Explore 300+ opportunities to serve school business

Now accepting applications for featured positions below, plus many more at on the Volunteer Hub site.

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CASBO Con 25 registration graphic


Annual Conference registration now open

Save $100 through Wed., Jan. 15 and get access to discounted hotel rooms once paid in full.


Catch the replays of CASBO Advocacy webinars

Recordings of our recent Legislative Wrap Up and Prop 2: Facilities Bond webinars are available on YouTube.

CASBO Advocacy webinar graphic
CASBO Professional Development workshop graphic


Gain essential skills with CASBO Workshops

Choose from these upcoming virtual programs led by experienced school business leaders, including:


Submit your application for CASBO Vice President

Serve in CASBO leadership and help shape the future of school business. Learn more or apply by Mon., Dec. 2.

CASBO Vice President application graphic
CASBO Women in Leadership Conference graphic


Attend Women in Leadership to unlock your potential 

Register through Mon., Jan. 27 to connect, learn, and grow alongside dynamic women leaders Feb. 27-28.


CASBO Career HQs, your one-stop site for success

Get free career advice, articles, resume tips and more, plus search hot jobs across California including:

CASBO Career HQs grpahic
AI micro-cert presenter Ross Hartmann photo


Register for AI Leadership Essentials through Dec. 13

Learn to lead AI implementation at your LEA with this virtual program led by AI expert Ross Hartmann. 


Share & view your Fall Section event photos

Contribute, share and enjoy photos from recent CASBO Section events on our Google Photos account. 

CASBO Section events photo gallery graphic

Have feedback or a great story idea to share? We want to hear from you!

Chime in on CASBO Insights, the voice of school business.

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The foremost authority on school business.

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