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 The voice of California school business | December 2023 

In this issue: Innovating Business in Public Education | 2023 Election | New Micro Certificate | Legislative Webinars | SBU Soft Skills Courses | Section Events | Hot Jobs | ACA Webinar

Dear Member,

Welcome to December and happy holidays from all of us at CASBO!

This issue highlights our events and programs as 2023 comes to the end. Be sure to cast your ballot in CASBO's 2023 Election, view CBO Symposium photos, and check your Section events below.

We're also thrilled to launch a new Performance Management Micro-Certificate. This self-paced program starts in January and is ideal for all HR professionals and school business supervisors.

Lastly, we want to hear from you! Share your ideas for CASBO Insights to help us reflect your voice in school business.

With gratitude,

Tatia Davenport

CASBO CEO Tatia Davenport headshot photo


Innovating Business in Public Education 

Discover how to mitigate projected school business issues in this recent Forbes article by CASBO CEO Tatia Davenport.

Graphic of Forbes article displayed on a mobile phone
CASBO 2023 Election graphic


Vote in CASBO's 2023 Election by Fri., Dec. 8

Members, help shape the future leadership of our association by casting your vote through 5 pm on Fri. Dec. 8.


All-new Performance Management Micro-Certificate

Save $50 with early registration through Fri., Dec. 15 on our new virtual self-paced program led by LaFaye Platter, EdD and earn 22 CEUs.

CASBO Presenter LaFaye Platter photo


Legislative Implementation Webinar Series

Learn best practices for implementation of new legislation in our webinar series on Nov. 29 & Dec. 6. 

CASBO Advocacy Legislative Implementation Webinar graphic of State Capitol
CASBO SBU AMA course library graphic


Expand your soft skills with CASBO SBU's AMA courses

Enhance your soft skills with CASBO's library of 70+ courses from the American Management Association, available exclusively to members.

CASBO CBO Symposium slideshow graphic


Enjoy highlights of CASBO 2023 CBO Symposium 

View our photo gallery featuring highlights of our biggest and best event to date, gathering the brightest minds in school business.


Connect, learn & grow with CASBO in your region

Explore local events, professional development programs, and networking opportunities offered by your CASBO Section.

Or, branch out by attending local events in Sections across the state to grow your network.

CASBO Section event graphic
CASBO Career Center HQs graphic


CASBO Career Center, your one-stop site for success

Find the perfect candidate, access career resources, and explore hot jobs, including:


Knock Out ACA Reporting Like a Champ

Learn how to optimize Affordable Care Act reporting in a free webinar presented by American Fidelity on Wed., Dec. 13.

American Fidelity ACA webinar graphic

Have feedback or a great story idea to share? We want to hear from you!

Chime in on CASBO Insights, the voice of school business.

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The foremost authority on school business.

1001 K St, 5th Floor | Sacramento, CA 95814

CASBO.org | +1(916) 447-3783


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